Tilbake til Urkraften



The LIVING MATRIX (spirituell dokumentar)

The Living Matrix: Film on the New Science of Healing 
En Youtube-video
Kvalitet : god
Tale : engelsk
Tid : 1 time 24 min.
Prod.år : 2009
(ikke tekstet)

The Living Matrix - The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the
intricate web of factors that determine our health. We talk with a group of 
dedicated scientists, psychologists, bioenergetic researchers and holistic 
practitioners who are finding healing potential in a wide variety of new places.

In the film, researchers and others who faced health challenges put the science 
in perspective when they tell their stories. The family of a young Greek boy 
with cerebral palsy tries to improve his quality of life through reconnective 
healing. A British woman, diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, immerses 
herself in neuro-linguistic programming. An American woman runs out of 
options to treat her chronic fatigue syndrome, and as a last resort, begins using 
an information-based therapy. All three make remarkable recoveries.

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