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" Connect to the Beauty, to the Joy, to the Bliss " - Vasant Swaha (incl. videos)

Vasant Swaha
Vasant Swaha (Tor Opheim) - opprinnelig fra Norge,
bodde deretter mange år i Himalaya og India på
sin spirituelle søken.
Fulgte Osho i nærmere 12 år.


The Master is there to ignite love, trust and 
gratitude in you.
When that happens,
bowing down comes naturally.
You start understanding the mystery of it: 
the Master is not on the outside;
it's just your own heart reminding you.

Video :
Intervju med Vasant Swaha - mars 2015

En herlig videosnutt :

Video :

Video : satsang - drop the mind

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