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Kraftfull "3.ØYE-ÅPNER" - Beat Meditasjon (LYDVIDEO)

WARNING! Extremely Powerful Third Eye Opening 
Binaural Beat Meditation
Varighet : ca. 1 time
Kvalitet : god

What is the Third Eye? 
The Third Eye usually refers to an invisible eye that lets 
you perceive things beyond ordinary site, or "site beyond site" .
The area of the Third Eye sits just above your brow in the center of your head. 
It is felt by many that the Third Eye is a gateway that grants you access to higher 
consciousness and an enlightened state.

Binaural beats are used in this meditation video to entrain your brainwaves to 
patterns exhibited during specific mental activities. These are the "beats" you 
hear in each ear. They are producing specific patterns in your brainwaves. 
The binaural beats used in this video start out at a low frequency usually 
associated with meditation, astral projection and accelerated learning. 
The frequencies increase gradually to those associated with Third Eye 
opening, love, beauty, sensuality and harmony.

If you are experienced with meditation and Third Eye opening, you may find 
this video and the soundtrack extremely helpful in reaching a higher state of 
mind. If you are brand new to Third Eye opening, take it slowly. You may be 
overwhelmed at times as your mind begins processing the experience.

Start rolig ta f.eks å start med max. 10 minutter.
Den engelske teksten er hentet i fra youtube der videoen ligger.

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